
Course Description

This course is the third course in the Beginning Spanish series. The focus of this course will be to enhance the student’s reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in order to allow them to communicate in any setting with increased fluency.


COURSE REQUIREMENTS – Students are expected to:

Participate in class
Complete all assignments
Work on individual and/or group assignments as instructed
Attend a minimum of 8 2-hour classes

Course Outline

Week 1 - 2
Class orientation and Complete Spanish & Basic Spanish Spanish II review
Complete Spanish Lesson 7 and Basic Spanish Lesson 46
I. Review of stem change verbs, ir + a, tener, and expressions, idioms used with the verbs acabar
de, dejar de, tener que, tratar a, volver a

Week 2 – 4
Complete Spanish Lesson 7 and 9, and Basic Spanish Lessons 46 – 48
I. The preposition para
II. Para used with parts of the body
III. The preposition por
IV. Comparison of the prepositions por and para

Week 4 - 6
Complete Spanish Lesson 7 and Basic Spanish Lesson 21
I. Time expressions using hacer
II. Weather expressions using hacer
I. Weather expressions using estar and hay
II. Vocabulary: El cuerpo, el tiempo

Week 6 - 9
Complete Spanish Lesson 8
I. Possessive adjectives
II. Demonstrative adjectives
III. Neutral demonstrative pronouns esto, eso, aquello
IV. Adjectives of nationality
V. Adjectives of quality and quality
VI. Adjectives that express next, only, and last
VII. Adjectives whose meanings depends upon their positions

Week 9 - 12
Complete Spanish Lesson 8
I. Comparisons with adjectives
II. Irregular comparisons
III. Superlative comparisons
IV. Comparisons with nouns
V. Comparisons with verbs
VI. Adverbs
VII. Reading comprehension: La fiesta

Week 12 - 15
Complete Spanish Lesson 9 and Basic Spanish Lessons 47 and 48
I. Affirmative and negative expressions
II. Prepositions
III. Prepositions followed by verbs, nouns, or pronouns
IV. Prepositional pronouns
V. Reading comprehension: El circo

Learner Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of syntax of language, including: use of additional verbs with idiomatic expressions; the use of hacer to express time and weather; possessive and demonstrative adjectives; adjectives of nationality, quality, and quantity;  dverbs; comparisons of adjectives, nouns, and verbs; affirmative and negative expressions; and preposition with prepositional pronouns. Express basic thoughts and demonstrate basic conversational skills in the areas above. Demonstrate correct pronunciation, even of unfamiliar works in Spanish. Express an understanding of some cultural characteristics of Spanish-speaking countries.


Method of instruction: Lecture, group work

Evaluation: participation

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