
Course Description

This course begins with a thorough review of the basics learned in Beginning Italian to ensure a good foundation. Each week a new area of conversion will be included.  A strong emphasis will be placed on conversation abilities throughout the course

Course Outline

1. Activities and Hobbies
2. Viewpoints
  • Hello? Who’s speaking?
3. Vocabulary
  • The telephone
4. Information
  • The Cell phone
5. Listening
  • A Business Call
6. Grammar
  • Irregular verbs with – are ending
  • The Days of the Week
  • How much? & Cardinal Numbers
  • The months of the year & The Date
7. To finish
  • Filippo’s week
8. Writing
  • Writing complex sentences
  • Let’s talk together!
9. Views of Italy
  • The Life of the Students
10. The Family
11.  Viewpoints
  • A Numerous Family
12.  Vocabulary
  • The Family Tree
13.  Information
  • Relatives
14.  Listening
  • At Uncle and Aunt’s house
15.  Grammar
  • Possessive adjectives & Pronouns
  • Irregular verbs with – ere & -i re ending
  • To know (Sapere & Conoscere)
  • Direct Pronouns
16.  To finish
  • The engagement
17. Writing
  • Writing more elaborated descriptions
  • Let’s talk together!
18. Views of Italy
  • The Family in Italy
19. Enjoy your trip!
20. Viewpoints
  • At the Station
21. Vocabulary
  • Arrivals & Departures
22. Information
  • Trains
23. Listening
  • In the train
24. Grammar
  • Passato prossimo with Avere
  • Passato prossimo with Essere
  • The Time
  • Prepositions: a, in, da, per
25. To finish
  • A honeymoon
26.  Writing
  • Writing a good brief summary
  • Let’s talk together!
27.  Views of Italy
  • Tuscany
28.  Money and Time
29.  Viewpoints
  • A business trip
30.  Vocabulary
  • Hotel and Bank
31.  Information
  • Hotels and Boarding-Houses
32.  Listening
  • At the bank, at the money change counter
33.  Grammar
  • Reflexive Verbs
  • Passato prossimo with Reflexive Verbs
  • Direct pronouns
  • Direct Pronouns with Infinitive
34.  To finish
35.  First day at work
  • Writing
  • Effective use of a dictionary 
  • Let's talk together!

Learner Outcomes

Student will be more confident and fluent with simple conversation, enabling him/her to continue to build ability with new vocabulary added weekly.
  • Students will continue to write situation dialogue and re-enact in class.
  • Greater ability to expand language through more in-depth study of grammar basics, particularly more “drilling” of verbs.


Evaluation:  Class participation

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