
Course Description

Pollinators Garden Design and Eco-Friendly Landscape

Exploring the role of pollinators in gardens, practical insights into selecting pollinator-friendly plants, designing gardens, and implementing sustainable gardening practices. By the end of the class, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge to transform their gardens into vibrant, pollinator-friendly spaces. 

Course Outline

1. Understanding Pollinators and Their Importance

2. Creating A Pollinator Garden

  • Native Plants
  • Garden Sites
  • Soil Preparation
  • Water Sources
  • Weed Management
  • Planting Techniques

 3. Benefits of Adding a Pollinator Garden to Your Home

Learner Outcomes

Attendees will gain knowledge to transform their gardens into vibrant, pollinator-friendly spaces. 


Attendees will receive pollinator friendly plants. 
Please call our Customer Service Center at 704.330.4223 or email at ContinuingEd@cpcc.edu for information on the next available section.
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