
Course Description

This 16-hour course prepares law enforcement officers for threatening and violent encounters when time-compressed decision-making is required.

Course Outline

This course will cover:

1. Techniques that control stress responses so de-escalation strategies can be effectively applied.

 2. Discuss the latest research on how threats and violent ecounters impact physiological and psychological reactions.

3.  Explore ancient survival traditions and why these traditions are relevant today.

4. Present case histories with audio and video recordings to illustrate principles.

Learner Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the student will:

  • Understand and recognize the physiological and psychological changes that occur when a person is thrust into a sudden stressful situation.
  • Understand how these psychological and physiological changes can affect the ability to perform and survive during sudden stressful situations.
  • Understand how experiencing a sudden stressful situation can lead to a “high”, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and/or Post Traumatic Growth.
  • Understand how physical training, mental imagery, tactical self-talk, breathing and centering improve stress inoculation, startle recovery and the ability to apply de-escalation techniques.
  • Understand that many officer survival tactics are rooted in ancient survival traditions.
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