HRD-HRD7040 - Employability Skills and Workplace Preparation
Course Description
This course is designed to provide students with relevant employability skills to obtain and retain gainful employment. Course topics will cover developing a resume, soft skills training, and interview preparation. Learners will also gain life skills and develop a positive self-concept that will enhance their employability and job performance. Technology skills and job search techniques will be explored; all learners will also register for NC Works. Learners can prepare and practice for the Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) using KeyTrain software and complete the exam.
This course assists students in understanding and articulating their personal qualities and strengths, previous work-related experiences, and knowledge sets. It focuses on empowering students to acquire and retain employment, and create a plan for future career advancement.
Course Outline
Career Exploration
- Job Searching
- Career Planning
- Resume Building
- Interview Skills, Tips and Strategies
- Positive Behaviors (Workplace Skills)
- Workplace Ethics
- Workplace Technology Skills
- Communication Skills
- Dressing for Success
- KeyTrain Software for CRC Prep
- Test Taking Skills
- Registering for NC Works
- Online Job Applications
Learner Outcomes
Learners enrolled will gain skills and knowledge to do the following:
- Develop a positive self-concept, building confidence in their employability skills.
- Develop job readiness skills, including workplace behavior and ethics.
- Learn how to create and update a resume and how to communicate effectively in the interview process.
- Explore career and life planning, establishing a detailed plan of action for both their professional and personal lifestyles.
- Successfully complete an online job application
- Articulate their dominant personality traits and learning style(s)
- Express their previous work-related experience
- Express their work-related abilities and knowledge
- Express how they relate to people and work both orally and in list form.
- Identify--through example--proper clothing and hygiene practices for an interview and work
- Complete a mock in-class interview
- Articulate in writing at least three short term and one long term career goals
Method of Instruction: face to face
Evaluation: Students must attend 80% of scheduled class meetings.