
Course Description

This course introduces the theory and principles of medium and heavy duty steering and suspension systems. Topics include wheel and tire problems, frame members, bearings, and coupling systems. Upon completion, students should be able to troubleshoot, adjust, and repair suspension and steering
components on medium and heavy duty vehicles.

Course Outline

  1. Commercial Vehicle Tires
  2. Wheel Rims and Hubs
  3. Front Axles and Vehicle Alignment Factors
  4. Truck Frames
  5. Suspension Systems
  6. Steering Systems and Integral Steering Gears

Learner Outcomes

Students will be able to perform the following tasks:

  • Inspect and evaluate commercial vehicle tires
  • Inspect and evaluate wheel rims and hubs
  • Inspect and evaluate front axles and vehicle alignment factors
  • Inspect and evaluate truck frames
  • Inspect and evaluate suspension systems
  • Inspect and evaluate steering systems and integral steering gears


Evaluation:   Hands on training along with assignments will test the knowledge and proficiency of the students understanding of the course content and the objectives.

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