
Course Description

This course will teach you the foundations of JavaScript framework like React, Vue.js, jQuery, or Angular, all of which use some advanced JavaScript techniques. Key topics include block-scoped variables, constants and arrow functions.

Course Outline

  1. Node.js
  2. Scope, var, let, and const
  3. Arrow Functions
  4. Rest Parameters
  5. Spread Operator
  6. Array Destructuring
  7. Template Literals
  8. Objects
  9. The Object
  10. Array map() Method
  11. Array filter() Method
  12. Array find() Method
  13. JavaScript Modules
  14. npm

Learner Outcomes

  • Rest parameters
  • The spread operator and array destructuring
  • Objects, Context, and the object
  • The map(), find(), and filter() methods of arrays


This is an asynchronous online course offered through the third party vendor ed2go. This course can be taken on either a PC or Mac. The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online. To be successful in this course, you must know basic JavaScript functions. You will have three months to complete the course, and may complete the course earlier than the three month period.
Please call our Customer Service Center at 704.330.4223 for information on the next available section.
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