
Course Description

This course introduces intermediate elements of Modern Dance technique.  Emphasis is placed on floor, barre, and center exercises.  Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate basic skills in intermediate Modern Dance movements.

Course Outline

  1. The student will improve body placement.
  2. Standard modern dance combinations will be refined.
  3. The student will gain more control of intermediate steps.

Learner Outcomes

The student will be able to:

  • identify the habits of a dancer in training
  • describe the different styles of modern dance
  • demonstrate intermediate modern dance technique


Method of Instruction

The teacher will demonstrate and explain intermediate modern dance technique.  The student will repeat the intermediate dance technique.



Exam:  Demonstration of skills - The student will be able to execute basic modern dance combinations.

Class Participation:  Regular attendance is imperative because this is a skills class.

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