
Course Description

Do you find yourself drawing flat-looking scenes because you don't understand or are intimidated by perspective? Would you like to make your drawings appear more dynamic and three-dimensional? In real life, we can easily judge the size, the shape and distance of objects just by looking at them. So, why is translating that onto paper so challenging?

The good news is that with a few rules, we can effectively incorporate perspective into our drawings, adding realism and depth. Each week, we’ll explore a key principle of perspective, starting with the straightforward one-point perspective and gradually progressing to more complex concepts. This class will cover the fundamentals of perspective, building your skills step by step to incorporate into your artwork and sketches.

Each week, we’ll learn a theory in a classroom setting and then immediately put it into practice, drawing from direct observation of real life. We will be drawing in ink with some watercolors used to add color to our drawings.

Course Outline

  • Week 1: Introduction Perspective. What is eye level, horizon line, vanishing points?  One-point perspective
  • Week 2: Two-point perspective
  • Week 3: Three-point perspective
  • Week 4: Drawing cubes, circles, and various objects in Perspective
  • Week 5: Drawing human figures to emphasize scale
  • Week 6: Combining everything we've learned

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will feel more confident in your ability to draw in perspective and to bring more 3-dimensional composition to your drawings.


Students must update their contact information (email and cell phone number) at the time of registration to receive pre-class information from the instructor. 

Supplies will be purchased by students.


Please call our Customer Service Center at 704.330.4223 or email at ContinuingEd@cpcc.edu for information on the next available section.
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