
Course Description

This course is an introduction to property management with a focus on practical advice of how to comply with regulations and avoid liability. The course features include Liability Alert features that offer suggestions for avoiding liability from owners and tenants, case studies, and key terms. This class is approved by the NCREC for continued education (CE).


Course Outline

Chapter 1: Introduction to Professional Property Management

Chapter 2: The Manager-Owner Relationship

Chapter 3: Economics and Planning

Chapter 4: Leases and Tenant Issues

Chapter 5: Managing Residential Properties

Chapter 6: Managing Risk and Tenant Safety Issues


Learner Outcomes

  • Provide general understanding of property management.
  • Focus on steps to avoid liability from both owners and tenants.


Method of Instruction - Lecture.

Evaluation - Course exam.

Class Materials provided by the Instructor.

Attend at least 90% of the scheduled instructional hours of the course.


Please call our Customer Service Center at 704.330.4223 for information on the next available section.
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