
Course Description

Web development knowledge is valuable for anyone wanting to create, manage, or work with web-related projects. It empowers individuals from various backgrounds to harness the power of the internet and build functional and interactive web experiences. As everything goes online, there is an increased need for web developers to build interactive websites that allow organizations to offer their services at a global level. 

In this class, you will learn important concepts such as web architecture, web development process, and HTML/CSS, at the same time you will discuss principles of User Experience UX, application program interfaces APIs, and Responsive Web Design. This is your first step in learning front-end web development. This is a blended class with at least 50% of self-directed online theory and 50% of instructor-led coaching.

Course Outline

  1. Thinking Like a Programmer: Includes conversion, breaking down problems, and imposter syndrome 
  2. Web Architecture
  3. HTML Part 1
  4. HTML Part 2
  5. CSS Part 1 
  6. CSS Part 2
  7. Advanced CSS
  8. Visual Communication
  9. Final Project 

Learner Outcomes

This class is a comprehensive hands-on introduction to the core concepts of web architecture, HTML/CSS, and web design. In this class you will learn:

  • Web architecture and protocols
  • Deep dive into HTML and CSS including Advanced CSS.
  • Learn the basics of a webpage, and how HTML, CSS, and Javascript work together.
  • Learn how the internet works with clients and servers and request/response.
  • Learn responsive web design 
  • How to create the best visual communication
  • Learn how to host your applications and databases on the web


Target Audience:

This class assumes you have no prior experience in programming. Knowledge of Web Development Fundamentals is beneficial for a wide range of individuals, including:

Aspiring Web Developers: Naturally, anyone interested in becoming a web developer should learn web development fundamentals. This includes front-end developers (dealing with the user interface and user experience) and back-end developers (managing server-side logic and databases).

Designers: Web designers who want to create interactive and functional websites can greatly benefit from learning web development fundamentals. Understanding how websites are built will enable them to design with technical constraints and user experience in mind.

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: Knowing web development fundamentals allows entrepreneurs and business owners to build and manage their websites, reducing reliance on external developers and providing greater control over their online presence.

Digital Marketers: Understanding web development basics can help digital marketers optimize landing pages, track user interactions, and work more effectively with their development teams.

Product Managers: Product managers benefit from understanding web development to communicate more effectively with development teams, set realistic project timelines, and make informed decisions about features and functionalities.

Bloggers and Content Creators: Learning web development can empower bloggers and content creators to customize their websites, enhance user experiences, and manage their online platforms more efficiently.

Educators: Educators can also use web development fundamentals to create engaging online learning materials.


Occupational Outlook:

According to the Department of Labor, the employment of web developers is projected to grow 13 percent from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations. Web developers are in high demand due to the growing reliance on the internet and the continuous expansion of digital technologies. Here are some key points about the occupational outlook for web developers:

Versatility: Web developers are not only needed by technology-focused companies but also by a wide range of industries such as finance, healthcare, e-commerce, education, and entertainment. This versatility provides developers with a variety of job opportunities.

Remote Work Opportunities: Web development is one of the fields that often allows for remote work. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work, and many companies now embrace a more flexible work environment, enabling developers to work from different locations.

Specialization Opportunities: Web development is a broad field, and within it, there are various specializations such as front-end development, back-end development, full-stack development, UI/UX design, and more. Focusing on a specific area of expertise can open up additional opportunities.
Freelancing and Entrepreneurship: Many web developers opt for freelancing or starting their own web development businesses, which allows for greater autonomy and potential for higher income. This path can be attractive to those who prefer a non-traditional work setting.


Information Technology Continuing Education Certificate:

This course is one module for the Full Stack Developer Certificates.  Certificates are awarded after completing all required courses (no substitutions).


Industry Certification:

Web Development certification programs are not as prevalent or standardized. Instead of relying solely on certifications, employers often focus on a candidate's practical skills, experience, and ability to showcase their projects or contributions to open-source initiatives. Building a strong portfolio and demonstrating your expertise through real-world projects is often more valuable in the field of web development.


Method of Instruction:

Blended learning with lectures, videos, class discussions, live demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and projects. Outside homework is assigned.



Participation and completion of all skill lab practices are expected. Class attendance is required for successful completion.

  • Class participation and attendance (50%) 
  • Projects/Competencies/Research  (50%)  


Computer Literacy: Basic computer skills are necessary for any programming language. Understanding how to use a computer, manage files, and navigate through the operating system will make your learning journey smoother.

Required Resources: Participants are required to have a laptop or desktop computer with dual monitors and internet access.

  • Minimum: PC (Windows) or MacBook laptop. 4GB ram, 256GB HD, Core i5
  • Recommended: PC (Windows) or MacBook laptop. 8GB ram, 256GB SSD, Core i5
  • You must be able to download programming resources to your laptop/desktop for this class.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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