
Course Description

JavaScript is one of the most popular and versatile programming languages on the web. Learning JavaScript is crucial for anyone interested in web development. Its widespread adoption, versatility, and demand in the job market make it a valuable skill for both beginners and experienced developers. Whether you want to build websites, web applications, mobile apps, or even server-side applications, JavaScript is a language that can empower you to achieve your goals.

In this class, students will create a modern and robust web application without leveraging any advanced frameworks; plus strengthen their foundational knowledge of how web applications and client-side coding work while learning modern web development with JavaScript. This is a blended class with at least 50% of self-directed online theory and 50% of instructor-led coaching.


Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Front End Foundations: Includes Node install, npm packages, developer tools, and linking to external files.
  2. More JS Concepts: Includes const vs. let, data types, this keyword, operators, and spread operators.
  3. Decision Making: Includes arrow functions, switch statements, error handling, try catch throw, ternary operator.
  4. Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript: Includes classes, building a class, methods, get and set, instantiating, instances, and inheritance.
  5. Introduction to Flexbox: Includes Flexbox containers, flex items and grouping, flex alignment, flex container order, and flexible items.
  6. Introduction to Bootstrap: Includes grid system, tables, forms, buttons, icons, nav, navbar, and jumbotron.
  7. Interacting With the DOM: Includes creating DOM elements, DOM nodes, Regex, special characters, and using Regex in JavaScript.
  8. Document.query Selector and document.getElementByld: Includes syntax, actions, and events.
  9. GitHub API solutions
  10. Final Project

Learner Outcomes

This class is a comprehensive hands-on introduction to the core concepts of JavaScript. In this class you will learn:

  1. Learn more advanced JavaScript including arrow functions and the spread operator
  2. Learn about OO-style JavaScript
  3. Learn how to manipulate the DOM 
  4. Learn how to make a responsive design
  5. Learn about FlexBox as an alternative to the box model


Target Audience:

JavaScript is a versatile language that finds applications in a wide range of domains, making it a valuable skill for anyone interested in technology and web-based projects. The following groups of individuals can benefit from learning JavaScript:

Web Developers: JavaScript is a fundamental language for web development. Front-end developers use it to create interactive user interfaces and enhance the user experience. Back-end developers can also use JavaScript with frameworks like Node.js to build server-side applications.

Aspiring Full-Stack Developers: If someone wants to become a full-stack developer, they need to learn both front-end and back-end development. JavaScript is essential for both aspects, making it a necessary skill for full-stack development.

Students and Beginners: JavaScript is often recommended as a starting language for beginners in programming. Its syntax is relatively straightforward, and there is a wealth of learning resources available.

Designers: Web designers can benefit from learning JavaScript to bring their designs to life with interactive elements and animations.

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: Understanding JavaScript can be beneficial for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to create and maintain their websites or web applications without relying solely on developers.

Mobile App Developers: With frameworks like React Native and Flutter, JavaScript is used for cross-platform mobile app development, allowing developers to build apps for iOS and Android simultaneously.


Occupational Outlook:

According to the Department of Labor, employment of web developers is projected to grow 13 percent from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations. 

JavaScript is a versatile and widely-used programming language, primarily used for front-end web development. Its applications have expanded over the years, and it is now utilized for back-end development (Node.js), mobile app development (React Native), and even desktop applications (Electron).

Here are some key points contributing to the positive outlook for JavaScript developers:

High demand: With the rise of web-based applications and the shift towards interactive and responsive user interfaces, the demand for skilled JavaScript developers has been consistently high.

Web development growth: The proliferation of websites and web applications across various industries has further increased the need for JavaScript expertise.

Cross-platform development: JavaScript frameworks like React Native and Electron have made it possible to build mobile and desktop applications, increasing the demand for JavaScript developers in these domains.

Salary potential: JavaScript developers often receive competitive salaries due to their crucial role in modern software development.

Continuous development: The JavaScript ecosystem is dynamic, and new libraries, frameworks, and tools are constantly being introduced, providing developers with opportunities to learn and grow in their careers.

Remote work opportunities: The nature of web development allows for remote work possibilities, which can be attractive to both developers and employers.

Entrepreneurship and startups: JavaScript's versatility has contributed to its popularity among entrepreneurs and startups who require cost-effective and flexible solutions.


Central Piedmont Community College Continuing Ed Certificate:

This course is part of the JavaScript Full Stack Developer Certificate. Certificates are awarded after completing all required courses (no substitutions).


Industry Certification:

Unlike some other fields like cybersecurity or project management, JavaScript certification programs are not as prevalent or standardized. Instead of relying solely on certifications, employers often focus on a candidate's practical skills, experience, and ability to showcase their projects or contributions to open-source initiatives. Building a strong portfolio and demonstrating your expertise through real-world projects is often more valuable in the field of web development and JavaScript.


Method of Instruction:

Blended learning with lectures, videos, class discussions, live demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and projects. Outside homework is assigned.


Participation and completion of all skill lab practices are expected. Class attendance is required for successful completion.

  • Class participation and attendance (50%) 
  • Projects/Competencies/Research  (50%)  


  • Computer Literacy: Basic computer skills are necessary for any programming language. Understanding how to use a computer, manage files, and navigate through the operating system will make your learning journey smoother.
  • PRG-7925 Web Development Fundamentals or equivalent knowledge.
  • Required Resources: Participants are required to have a laptop or desktop computer with dual monitors and internet access.
    • Minimum: PC (Windows) or MacBook laptop. 4GB ram, 256GB HD, Core i5
    • Recommended: PC (Windows) or MacBook laptop. 8GB ram, 256GB SSD, Core i5
    • You must be able to download programming resources to your laptop/desktop for this class.
SEF-PRG7925 Web Development Fundamentals: In this class, you will learn important concepts such as web architecture, web development process, and HTML/CSS, at the same time you will discuss principles of User Experience UX, application program interfaces APIs, and Responsive Web Design.
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