
Course Description

One week course introduces power transmission devices. Topics include function and operation of gears, chains, clutches, planetary gears, drive lines, differentials, and transmissions. Upon completion, students should be able to identify, research specifications, repair, and adjust power train components.

Course Outline

This class will utilize hands on training and troubleshooting issues to identify, research specifications, repair and adjust power train components.  The class will utilize tests and assignments to evaluate students knowledge of course materials. 

Learner Outcomes

The student will be able to understand the concepts of how to service heavy duty clutch systems, gear systems and transmission systems for standard and automated systems.  

The student will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding the functions of torque converters, planetary gear concepts and hydraulically controlled transmissions, heavy duty drive shaft systems and drive axles.

student will describe function and operation of gears, chains, clutches, planetary gears, drive lines, differentials, and transmissions.

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