
Course Description

Power BI is a data analytics and visualization platform that provides a suite of tools for retrieving, preparing, modeling data, and visualizing data in reports and dashboards. Power BI allows you to share your content and visualizations with other users in and outside the company. This class is a basic introduction to Power BI and its capabilities to turn unrelated sources of data into visually interactive insights. The class includes a basic hands-on exercise to create a report and a dashboard.

Course Outline

  1. Getting to know Power BI
    • What are the capabilities?
    • About the platform
  2. What can Power BI do for you?
  3. Create a report
  4. Build a basic dashboard

Learner Outcomes

At the end of this class, participants will be able to:

  • Describe Power BI
  • Name the most important capabilities of Power BI
  • Create a simple report
  • Create a simple dashboard


Intermediate knowledge level in Excel.
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