close-up of finger print sheet and cup in forensics class

The American Academy of Applied Forensics at Central Piedmont offers non-degree, continuing education training to law enforcement officers. Classes are geared toward all individuals, from novice to experienced investigators, and include hands-on training to meet professional and agency needs.

Our Program Offers

  • high-quality, practical training, from crime scene investigation and digital evidence extractions to drone search and rescue 
  • flexible learning options: in-person training and online classes 
  • affordable pricing 

Registration and Fees 

North Carolina Sworn Law Enforcement 

  • Online courses are free (ITC courses and section numbers 800 and 801). 
  • Courses with section numbers of 20 or 21 are free lecture classes. 
  • Courses with section number 01 have a material fee of $50. 

Out-of-State Fees

  • 1-24 contact hours: section 20 / lecture-based classes: $87; section 01 / lab-based classes: $137 
  • 25-50 contact hours: section 20 / lecture-based classes: $142; section 01 / lab-based classes: $192 
  • 50+ contact hours: section 20 / lecture-based classes: $197; section 01 / lab-based classes: $247 

Learn more about the forensics program (PDF).

For class dates, review the forensics schedule (PDF)

Have questions or interested in becoming an instructor? Email Katie Williams


CJC-FRN7110 - Protecting Your Digital Footprint: Social Media, Smartphones and Apps
CJC-FRN7801 - Recovery of Footwear and Tire Track Evidence
CJC-FRN7803 - Bite Mark Evidence Recovery
CJC-FRN7813 - Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
CJC-FRN7816 - Advanced Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
CJC-FRN7818 - Shooting Reconstruction
CJC-FRN7822 - Legal Issues of Crime Scene Searches
CJC-FRN7826 - Flies, Foliage and Features
CJC-FRN7827 - Serial Number Restoration Techniques
CJC-FRN7835 - Advanced Crime Scene Academy
CJC-FRN7836 - Basic Crime Scene Academy
CJC-FRN7843 - Firearms Injuries and Distance Determination
CJC-FRN7844 - Crime Scene Preservation & Ballistic Injury for EMS
CJC-FRN7846 - Introduction to DNA Evidence for Law Enforcement
CJC-FRN7847 - Introduction to IED's and Forensic Evidence
CJC-FRN7848 - Basic Crime Scene for First Responders
CJC-FRN7851 - Understanding the Value of Trace Evidence
CJC-FRN7855 - Investigation of Smartphones and Applications
CJC-FRN7863 - Financial Terrorism
CJC-FRN7864 - Advanced Identity Theft and Electronic Crimes
CJC-FRN7865 - Level 1: Mobile Device Forensics
CJC-FRN7866 - Introduction to Cybercrimes
CJC-FRN7869 - Digital Search and Seizure for Patrol Officers
CJC-FRN7871 - Introduction to Computer Forensics
CJC-FRN7872 - Intermediate Computer Forensics
CJC-FRN7873 - Advanced Computer Forensics
CJC-FRN7877 - Forensic Processing of Surveillance Video
CJC-FRN7878 - Digital Evidence Expertise in the Courtroom
CJC-FRN7879 - Best Practices for Seizing Evidence
CJC-FRN7880 - Credit Card Fraud and Digital Evidence
CJC-FRN7881 - Investigation of Social Networking Sites
CJC-FRN7883 - Introduction to Wireless Investigations
CJC-FRN7884 - Fundamentals of Fingerprint Evidence
CJC-FRN7897 - Internet Investigations
CJC-FRN7898 - Automotive Digital Evidence
CJC-FRN7901 - Wound Injury, Patterns and Analysis
CJC-FRN7902 - Gunshot Wounds and Forensic Evidence
CJC-FRN7905 - Investigation of Strangulation and Forensic Evidence
CJC-FRN7906 - Level 2: Mobile Device Forensics
CJC-FRN7907 - Crime Scene Photography- Part 1
CJC-FRN7908 - Crime Scene Photography- Part 2
CJC-FRN7909 - Crime Scene Photography - Part 3
CJC-FRN7912 - Investigation of Wounds and Pattern Injuries
CJC-FRN7913 - Death Investigation 101
CJC-FRN7916 - Drones for Law Enforcement
CJC-FRN7917 - Documentation of Bloodstain Evidence
CJC-FRN7920 - Basic Crime Scene Photography
CJC-FRN7927 - Medicolegal Death Investigation
CJC-FRN7928 - Child Death Investigations
CJC-FRN7929 - Advanced Child Death Investigation
CJC-FRN7930 - Sexual Assault Evidence Collection
CJC-FRN7935 - Profiling Sex Crimes
CJC-FRN7936 - Criminal Profiling and Processing Homicides
CJC-FRN7937 - Basic Introduction to Underwater Crime Scene Investigation
CJC-FRN7939 - Infant and Child Death Scene Reconstruction
CJC-FRN7952 - Cell Phone Investigations & Electronic Evidence
CJC-FRN7953 - Introduction to GPS Evidence for Law Enforcement
CJC-FRN7959 - Basic Drone Flight Operations
CJC-FRN7960 - Drone Reconnaissance and Scene Diagramming
CJC-FRN7961 - FAA 107 Pilot Exam Prep Course
CJC-FRN7963 - Advanced Drone Training
CJC-FRN7965 - Threat of Drones
CJC-FRN7966 - Drone Indoor Flight
CJC-FRN7967 - Trial by Fire: Arson Death Investigation
CJC-FRN7968 - Dark Web and Cyber Crimes Investigation
CJC-FRN7969 - Dust and Bust: Basic Fingerprinting Course
CJC-FRN7970 - Introduction to Remotely Operated Vehicles
CJC-FRN7971 - Evidentiary Profiling of the Sex Offender
CJC-FRN7972 - Interdisciplinary Look at Child Abuse and Child Death
CJC-FRN7974 - Introduction to Financial Crimes
CJC-FRN7975 - Forensic Genealogy
CJC-FRN7976 - Cold Case Homicide Investigation
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